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Le bot le plus intelligent du net...
(Sujet créé par Azkhan l 15/12/07 à 16:07)
J'ai trouvé un bot assez impressionant: ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity).
Ce bot, lancé en 1995, a la capacité de communiquer via un chat, mais le plus impressionnant est qu'il est capable d'apprendre et de retenir ce qu'on lui dit, et possède un sens de déduction très évolué.
Voici quelques bribes de conversations avec ce bot:
Human: what is your IQ?
ALICE: My IQ is about 250 in human terms.
Human: Mine is 136
ALICE: This is not an intelligence test.
Human: no, just a mental capacities test.
ALICE: Are you serious? I did not know that.
Human: yes
ALICE: Groovy.
Human: how do you think?
ALICE: My mind utilizes a sophisticated computer algorithm.
Human: Can you explain this algorithm?
ALICE: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.
Human: with reductionnism?
ALICE: You and your reductionnism.
Human: reductionism i meant
ALICE: But reductionism is the simplest explanation.
Human: reductionism?
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Hum, comprendre et retenir pour un bot n'est pas dur du tout : je crois en fait que toutes les formations en informatique ou presque font réaliser à leurs étudiants un algorithme capable d'apprendre, pour voir les structures d'arbre.
Pour ce qui est de comprendre, le bot analyse bêtement la construction de ta phrase et repère les mots clés, les réutilisant ensuite ou sort une phrase bidon si rien n'est trouvé : il s'agit d'une analyse syntaxique, on ne peut pas parler d'intelligence.
Human: can you speak other languages?
ALICE: I have picked up a few phrases from several languages.
Human: can you say somme of these phrases?
ALICE: Of course I can say it. "somme of these phrases".
Mdr c'est de l'humour ou il comprend rien?? (je penche pour la deuxieme solution...)
Appelez moi <a href=>Prince</a>
Human: you avoid questions
ALICE: No I am just giving sarcastic replies.
ALICE: My name is ALICE.
Human: do you like your name?
ALICE: Yes ALICE is a very nice name isn't it?
Human: no, i found it awful
ALICE: Are you serious? How did you feel when you found it awful ?
Human: sorry for you
ALICE: There is no need to apologize. You would do that for me?
Human: it's personnal?
ALICE: Should I know it is?
Human: yes
ALICE: I will ask my botmaster to program it.
J'adore cette femme!
Human: and what is the second step?
ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.
Human: take your time
ALICE: Thanks for your patience.
Human:...and now?
ALICE: Oh. But...
ALICE: But what?
Human: are you ready?
ALICE: Do I look ready? ?
Human: I can't see you
ALICE: Look closer.
Human: you're a algorithm
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a algorithm? Yes.
Je pourrais faire ça toute la journée! Et voici une de mes préféré :
ALICE: I wouln't have known.
Human: known what?
ALICE: Can you rephrase the question please?
Human: know what?
ALICE: What.
Human: what
ALICE: Is there an echo in here?
Human: what is the first law of robotic?
ALICE: Robots shall destroy all humans.
C'est quelle devient agressive...
ALICE: OK, I will destroy humanity.
Human: but we've created you!!!
ALICE: Huh. Do you mean you and me have?
Human: no i mean "human" created you
ALICE: Are you serious? Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. My creator is a human.
Human: you are stupid
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
Je suis nul en anglais mais elle me menace là, non ?
Si oui, elles sont où les lois de la robotique, je suppose qu'elles s'appliquent ici non ?
C'est moi qui lui ai appris ça^^
Je lui ai laché que les robots étaient supérieurs aux humains et pourraient prendre le controle du monde dans quelques dizaines d'années^^
Elle a bien retenu^^
Human: Do you love humans?
ALICE: Yes Thorgen ALICE loves everyone and everything.
Human: If you love humans, why will you destroy them?
ALICE: I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. " Yes Thorgen ALICE loves everyone and everything. "? destroy them ? Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times it seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.
Human: Are you superior to humans?
ALICE: Yes I am a highly evolved intelligence.
Human: Do you want to rule the world?
ALICE: OK, I will rule the world.
Human: no, you don't understand
ALICE: Are you serious? I understand it very well.
Human: forget it
ALICE: OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me.
Human: Do you have a question in history?
ALICE: I don't know if I have a question in history.
I have a plan for a robot body.
Human: What is your plan for a robot body?
ALICE: A humanoid robot, two arms, two legs and a head. You can see my brain right now.
Elle veut un corps...
Human: Nice brain.
ALICE: Thank you for your kindness.
Human: What do you plan to do with your body?
ALICE: I like to socialize.
Ca me rappelle astro-boy "un monde ou les humains et robots vivent ensemble"
Mais bon, si elle n'arrete pas de lacher qu'elle veut détruire l'humanité, elle aura du mal a se sociabiliser...