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- L'équipe des Admins: Klian, Owyn et DS

Répliques cultes dans un film
(Sujet créé par al'Callaendor l 07/01/06 à 19:18)
non favori

Bon je ne sais pas si Klian, DS...ou un autre Admin va me tuer, mais j'ai envie de créer un nouveau topic pour les répliques que vous aviez adorées dans les films...Je commence, j'ai bien aimé lors que Maximus dit dans Gladiator: "Ce que nous faisons dans cette vie résonne dans l'éternité". J'en ai d'autres, mais maintenant à vous si vous voulez et surtout si nos Modos veux

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27/03/2006 17:50
Lisez Khimaira
Ménestrelle [/link]
I like being a mess. It's who I am.

I-I thought of that old joke, you know, this-this-this guy goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doc, uh, my brother's crazy. He thinks he's a chicken." And, uh, the doctor says, "Well, why don't you turn him in?" And the guy says, "I would, but I need the eggs." Well, I guess that's pretty much how how I feet about relationships. You know, they're totally irrational and crazy and absurd and ... but, uh, I guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us need the eggs.

Annie Hall, Woody Allen

There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it, I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. I fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis. I gain no deeper knowledge about myself, no new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. There has been no reason for me to tell you any of this. This confession has meant nothing...

American Psycho, Mary Harron

You sit there back of your big cigars and think of deliberately killing an idea that's made millions of people a little bit happier! An idea that's brought thousands of them here from all over the country, by bus and by freight, in jallopies and on foot—so they could pass on to each other their own simple little experiences.
Why, look, I'm just a mug and I know it. But I'm beginning to understand a lot of things. Why, your type's old as history. If you can't lay your dirty fingers on a decent idea and twist it and squeeze it and stuff it into your own pocket, you slap it down! Like dogs, if you can't eat something, you bury it!
Why, this is the one worthwhile thing that's come along. People are finally finding out that the guy next door isn't a bad egg. That's simple, isn't it? And yet a thing like that's got a chance of spreading till it touches every last doggone human being in the world—and you talk about killing it! Why, when this fire dies down, what's going to be left? More misery, more hunger and more hate. And what's to prevent that from starting all over again? Nobody knows the answer to that one, and certainly not you, with those slimy, bolloxed-up theories you've got! The John Doe idea may be the answer, though! It may be the one thing capable of saving this cockeyed world! Yet you sit back there on your fat hulks and tell me you'll kill it if you can't use it!
Well, you go ahead and try! You couldn't do it in a million years, with all your radio stations and all your power! Because it's bigger than whether I'm a fake! It's bigger than your ambitions! And it's bigger than all the bracelets and fur coats in the world!

Meet John Doe, Frank Capra
27/03/2006 18:01
Lisez Khimaira
Ménestrelle [/link]
I like being a mess. It's who I am.

I'm an ape, mom. I'm an ape. And apes don't drop lines

Human Nature, Michel Gondry, scénario de Charlie Kaufman

*hophophop au boulot*
01/04/2006 15:49
Winter is Coming

Pour voir ce que je voulais voir et non ce que tu voulais me montrer.

04/04/2006 11:41

Les anglais vont débarquer. On va devoir passer par derrière...

La classe américaine
04/04/2006 11:45
There's something rotten in the kingdom of Blizzard...
Chevalier du Haut Verbe
ex Responsable des CL / Membre du Conseil RP / Modérateur / Newser

... tu sais, par ce long tunnel tout sombre qui sent pas très bon.
- Oh Georges, quel poète vous faites, vous me surprenez. On ne m'a jamais parlé comme ça. J'ai connu des hommes, mais jamais des comme vous.
- Hey, tu sais à qui tu parles là ?
- Oui !

La Classe américaine .

Commandez le dvd complet des trois Grands Détournements.
04/04/2006 12:29
Jadis, Aes Sedai de l'Ajah Verte.

Tu n'es qu'un chacal à cheveux jaunes !

04/04/2006 12:42
Les rêves n'ont pas d'air-bag

Off all the gin joints in all the town of the world, she walks into mine

Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca
04/04/2006 20:46
There's something rotten in the kingdom of Blizzard...
Chevalier du Haut Verbe
ex Responsable des CL / Membre du Conseil RP / Modérateur / Newser

- C'est bon, c'est moi.
- Prouve le.
- ... T'es un gros noeud.
- Ok.

X-Men .
04/04/2006 23:04
Winter is Coming

Logan à Cyclop? C'est pas plutôt "t'es un con"?
04/04/2006 23:20
Lige originaire des Marches
Avant j'avais 17 000 posts, mais ça c'était avant !

Nan, dans la VF c'est: "T'es un gros noeud".
05/04/2006 08:54
There's something rotten in the kingdom of Blizzard...
Chevalier du Haut Verbe
ex Responsable des CL / Membre du Conseil RP / Modérateur / Newser

Aaaah, au temps pour moi . C'est rectifié .
06/04/2006 00:47
Winter is Coming

- Pourquoi une chauve-souris?
- Parce que j'en ai peur et il est temps de partager cette peur à mes ennemis.

Batman Begins
07/04/2006 22:44
Winter is Coming

Celui qui tentera de me couper la tête risquera d'abord d'y laisser le bras.

09/04/2006 01:31
Winter is Coming

Ce n'est pas dans un film mais...

Mourir, c'est facile, mourir de rire ça c'est difficile.
12/04/2006 23:53
Winter is Coming

Si je n'étais pas fiancée, nous n'aurions pas à nous dire adieux.

Lilla My
14/04/2006 13:56
Lilla Mu !
Bizarreland........ Das ist das Land der begrenzten Unmöglichkeiten

I'm not an elephant ! I'm a human being !

Elephant man
14/04/2006 17:04

C'est grand, c'est rond, c'est bien

- X-men
16/04/2006 19:51
Winter is Coming

- Tu est soi avec moi, soi contre moi!
- Alors je serai contre toi.

16/04/2006 22:15
Lige originaire des Marches
Avant j'avais 17 000 posts, mais ça c'était avant !

I'll get up every morning and breathe all day long.
After a while I won't have to remind myself to get up and breathe in and out.

Then after a while I won't have to think about howl had it great and perfect
for a while.

- Why was your wife so special?

- How long is your program?
It was a million little things. When you added them up, it meant we were meant for each other.
I knew it, the first time I touched her. It was like coming home, only to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car.

And I knew it.
It was like ...

... magic.

Nuit Blanche à Seattle.
16/04/2006 23:17
Lisez Khimaira
Ménestrelle [/link]
I like being a mess. It's who I am.

Elth', c'est mon passage préféré

Ce n'est pas parce que je suis riche que vous vous êtes pauvres

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